Euromediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency
The Euromediterranean Cultural Heritage Agency is a no profit association established in Lecce (ITALY) since March 2003. It deals with the valorisation, promotion, preservation, conservation, restoration and planning of the cultural heritage in the Euromediterranean area, including the support and diffusion of the national and international politics within this field.
The Agency operates in collaboration with public and private Bodies, institutions and persons, promoting permanent actions to support politics in favour of the knowledge, recognition and esteem of cultural heritage as a quality trademark.
The Agency has been established in March 2003, on initiative of: City of Lecce, UNIMED (Mediterranean Universities Union), University of Salento and Foggia University.
The honorary partners, that have joined the agency later on, are: the CUM (Community of the Mediterranean Universities) in Bari, the Patras University, Lecce Fine Arts Academy, the Guglielmo Marconi online University (Rome) and the Institute for the History and the Archaeology of Magna Graecia (Taranto).